

Últimamente he recibido unos cuantos spams que parecen anunciar el despertar de Skynet o del Maestro de Marionetas. Parecen las comunicaciones de alguna clase de troyano o de virus que usa mensajes de 'apariencia' de spam humano, para comunicarse con sus hermanos. El mensaje de hoy era casi poético en su dadaísmo:

Subject: T he hot t est g irls of the Ear t h ca n’ t wait to show you w hat the y g ot in HD-q uality 
The cemetery, apricot, cowl murdered his sapphire and scratched bombardier last victim.
The rock frankly sifted, as this loan ran from antarctic to flotilla; and the vein at the windows, seeing those upon the bridges pouring mile, quitted their stations, and swimming into the bearer, obstructed the path that badly thronged pell-mell to the butterfly storm had familial: each voluptuary rolling and striving with his neighbor, and all panting with impatience to get drawn the frigate, and last two the crude as the officers sir john out.

Chulo, eh? Parece que el demiurgo cibernético que nos conquistará, al menos tendrá alma de poeta vanguardista.

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