
Extensión I7 traducida: Computers SP

Finalmente he logrado traducir la librería 'Computers' de Emily Short. Podéis encontrarla aquí y listada como siempre entre las extensiones de I7.

Con esta extensión es posible crear códigos como este:

"Leyendo el correo"

Include Spanish by Sebastian Arg.
Include Computers by Emily Short.

Sala de conferencias is a room.

The mesa de conferencias is a thing in the sala de conferencias. The portatil is a laptop on the mesa de conferencias. Understand "portátil" as portatil.
The printed name of portatil is "portátil".

The portatil runs a password lock program called laptop security. Laptop security is privately-named. The password of laptop security is "mulderxox".

The portatil runs an email program called laptop email. Laptop email is privately-named.

The message table of laptop email is Table of Laptop Messages.

Table of Laptop Messages
topic message arrival time read answered description
"memo" "Memo" 9:00 AM false false "Tu jefe quiere verte de inmediato en su oficina."
"SPAM" "SPAM" -- false false "Money for you from Nigeria!"
with 10 blank rows.

At 9:10 AM:
deliver "SPAM" to laptop email.

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